Erika Lepczyk is an optimistic and inspired woman on a mission. She embraces a celebratory stance on life and enthusiastically applauds both her big and small wins. She is truly an inspiration to our team at a|dash and we cannot wait for you to hear about Erika, who influences her, advice she adheres to, her wellness routine, her entrepreneurial journey and more! Her product Memore is one of the most beautiful things to arrive at our doorstep in quite some time and it tastes just as delightful as it looks. Without further adieu, let's give a warm a|dash welcome to Erika!
Jennifer Norman is one of those people who just radiate positivity. Despite being dealt a difficult hand on more than one occassion, she has found a way to continue to serve others, and also to serve her own wellness. She is a true inspiration to our and we can't wait to see her business succeed. Without further adieu, please give it up for this shiny, happy woman! I’m a Korean-American adoptee who was raised in New York, and I presently live in LA. I recently founded The Human Beauty Movement to open up the conversation about radical inclusivity, wellness, and sustainability in the beauty industry and beyond. I’m also an author and publisher of SuperCaptainBraveMan children’s books – they help...
Monica Monfre is a business coach, social media strategist, and high school teacher in Brooklyn. She’s also BRCA1 and committed to helping women launch their dream offers, get massively visible on social media and grow their network to grow their net worth. Never one to let sparkles go by, she loves a good glitter pen.
In honor of Earth Day, we wanted to share a female founder who, along with her sister, has created a business to tackle the plastic problem head on. Without further, adieu, please give it up for this week’s Feature Friday Female: Lindsey McCoy.