Feature Friday-Females Who Inspire Us: Whitney Stuart

This Friday, we are absolutely ecstatic to share a little bit about a woman whose perseverance, strength and wisdom know no bounds. The woman in question is Whitney Stuart from Whitness Nutrition! Throughout her journey, Whitney overcame various, taxing trials to become an influential figure in the dietician and nutritionist spaces. If you are wondering how Whitney became such an amazing, inspirational woman, look no further! Today, Whitney will give you all a glimpse into who her role models are, her favorite affirmations and more. Without further adieu, let's give Whitney a warm, a|dash welcome!

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Whitney Stuart MS RDN/LD CDE; a registered dietitian-nutritionist, board-certified Diabetic Educator and award-winning Advanced level Whole30 Certified Coach. Whitney’s nutritional expertise has been featured in media segments for ABC, NBC & Business Insider. She is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has been Voted Dallas #1 Dietitian since 2019. Her virtual practice, Whitness Nutrition, focuses on nutrition education and empowerment with an emphasis on real food for real joy.

 Who are some women who inspire you daily, personally or professionally?
Personally – 
 My mom, who is an entrepreneur and consistently pivots - she is flexible with growth and that has inspired to know the SAME way it’s always the best way. And also my mother-in-law, who is a strong but kind businesswoman, teaching me that you can be both in a corporate system. 
I’m really inspired by Jennie Allen and Priscilla Shirer as a woman of God who knows that my greatest growth comes through engaging in his community and Word. 
Professionally –
Steph Greunke and Ali Miller - both mamas who are dietitians and seem to set great boundaries with work hard/play hard hustle. Also by Melissa Urban (she/her), who has provided an amazing platform at Whole30; one that isn’t stagnant, continues to revolutionize, modernize and have heart for all humans. 
Who has (have) been the most influential woman (women) in your life, in becoming the person you are today, helping you discover and pursue your passions?
My mom. Honestly, she didn’t give a SH*T what I did, what my grades were; she just wanted me to be kind, be happy and love God. This has really shaped my path because after my father died when I was 8, I felt a huge weight of provision to carry. She was intentional about lightening that.
If you could sit between any two women (dead or alive) on an international (long haul) flight, who would it be? Why?
Harriet Tubman - I was fascinated with the Underground Railroad as a child and her passion. And then it would be a tie between Jennifer Garner and Reese Witherspoon because I feel like I could be besties with either. 
What is your favorite affirmation to share with women?
Well, every morning I say “grateful, thankful, blessed” to remind myself that I AM, even when the world says otherwise. Also, that “it’s never to late to start again”. 
Is there anything that you wish/hope will be different for girls growing up today than it was for you?
I hope the girl boss era dies because there is a greater equality with ALL bosses, so we don’t have to have distinction between them. 
What has been your proudest moment personally or professionally?
I finished a Master’s degree and passed my board exams as a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, debt free, by the age of 25. I think that’s my best, right now. 
And, 48 hours later I was offered a full-time job and 24 hours later - received a proposal from my now husband, on a swiss alp mountaintop. It was the best 72 hour span of my life, both professionally and personally. 
What has been your most challenging moment personally or professional and how did you overcome that challenge?
I lost my father at age 8, my best friend, role model and wise counsel. I’m not over it, and never will be. But it’s taught me the power of grief and how to walk forward despite the guaranteed barriers that come into one’s path. 
What does wellness mean to you? And why is it important to you?
The ability to fully enjoy life without any physical or emotional ailments and as little medication, intervention and supplementation as possible. 
What does your typical daily wellness routine look like?
I always drink water to start my day and get into some sunlight before breakfast. I move joyfully to get some sweat and endorphins in a variety of ways. I incorporate wholesome foods at each meal but always allow my body to choose flavor and texture, too! I allow for 8 hours of sleep, each night. 
What drove you to become an entrepreneur? Do you see Whitness Nutrition as your only entrepreneurial endeavor, or do you have plans/goals to be a serial entrepreneur? 
Oh, if you’re a close friend, you know that I’m always dreaming of new concepts. Especially catchy slogans! But Whitness Nutrition is likely my only entrepreneurial venture. I wanted to provide a resource for women to learn about their health, and improve it preventatively - before it became reactive in a clinical setting. Real food for real joy, first! I wish my doctors had pushed that holistic effort on me, first, before medication when I battled both my Celiac and colitis diagnoses. 

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