Our Story
The Full Dash

Our story is one of family. Our journey began when our founder, Kelly, struggled with postpartum depression and anxiety. She leaned into holistic health and eastern medicine after struggling for over a year to find answers. She not only found the answers she wanted, but her true purpose.
As an herbalist, she began using adaptogens and herbs, along with nutrition and lifestyle to support herself and others on their journey to optimal wellness. Her sister and co-founder, Megan, encouraged Kelly to go from small scale at home remedies to creating a|dash.
a|dash was made to simplify wellness by elevating daily rituals.
Our mission is to make health and wellness accessible, attainable, and convenient for all.
Our mission is to make health and wellness accessible, attainable, and convenient for all.
Welcome to our family, we are so honored to support you on your journey to lifelong wellness.

Hear more in Kelly's own words on the Hotter Than Health or Fit Women's Weekly podcasts.