Monica Monfre is a business coach, social media strategist, and high school teacher in Brooklyn. She’s also BRCA1 and committed to helping women launch their dream offers, get massively visible on social media and grow their network to grow their net worth. Never one to let sparkles go by, she loves a good glitter pen.
In honor of Earth Day, we wanted to share a female founder who, along with her sister, has created a business to tackle the plastic problem head on. Without further, adieu, please give it up for this week’s Feature Friday Female: Lindsey McCoy.
Every year, the health and wellness world surprises us with new food and beauty trends. Some are weird and wonderful, some disappear as quick as they come (looking at you, avocado lattes) and then there’s those that stand the test of time and prove to us over and over again that they are more than just another ‘fad’ and are, in fact, here to stay.
Here our teams’ top nine 2021 wellness trends that we’ve embraced, and think will be sticking around long beyond 2021.